Thursday, March 12, 2015

PES Box Tops Totals So Far...

PES & Preschool Box Tops Totals!  
Only a few more months to get them in to see who the winners are!

 Caza-548. Devore-446.  Foster-848.  Monahan-632.  Deutsche-276.  Graniczny-112.  Knap-1067.  Norvilas-311.  Zywica-474. Murray-2068.  Hamning-839.  Hartsfield-410.  Paeth-529.  Schivers-238.  Ernst-949. Nagra-498. Rojas-1115 Weirich-725.  Zaker-183.  Preschool-267

The PTO should be receiving a check for $1,372.70!
PIC update will hopefully come soon.
Keep on clipping!!!