Sunday, November 16, 2014

Penny Wars Are Here!

It's here! PENNY WARS will be happening this week at both PES & PIC!
Kids bring their pennies to add to their classroom bucket (a positive).  The other classes can try to sabotage your class total by putting in silver change (a negative).  Which class will come out on top? Stay tuned! 

Here are the theme's for the week to add to the fun:
Monday: Sports Apparel 
Wednesday: Future Me Day 
Friday: Wear Lime Green or Orange
Mrs. Davis (PES Principal) will be getting her hair cut on Friday and donating it to Locks of Love.

Monday: Future Selves (dress up as themselves in the future)
Tuesday: Hat Day
Wednesday: Favorite Jersey
Thursday: Superhero Day
Friday: Wear Lime Green or Orange

All money will be donated to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
* Donations can be made online at either school site (top choice in the column on the left) but these donations do not count for the Penny Wars.