Article I – Name
The name of the organization shall be the Peotone Parent Teacher Organization; herein referred to as the PTO.
The name of the organization shall be the Peotone Parent Teacher Organization; herein referred to as the PTO.
Article II – Purpose
The PTO is organized for the purpose of supporting and enhancing the education of children Pre-K through grade 8 of Peotone CUSD 207-U by:
The PTO is organized for the purpose of supporting and enhancing the education of children Pre-K through grade 8 of Peotone CUSD 207-U by:
Encouraging communication and supporting relationships
between parents, teachers, and administration.
Providing financial support for programs funded outside of
the annual school budget.
Said corporation is organized exclusively for charitable
purposes within the meaning of IRC section 501(c)(3). The sole charitable
purpose of the corporation will be supporting the 207-U Peotone Elementary through junior high level public schools through volunteering and fund raising.
Article III – Policies
1: The PTO shall operate for charitable, educational,
nonpartisan, nonsectarian, and noncommercial purposes and shall not
discriminate based on age, sex, creed, or national origin.
2: The name of the PTO and the names of any of its members in
their official capacities shall not be used in any connection with a commercial
concern or political interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to
the Purpose of the PTO.
Article IV – Members & Voting
Any parent, guardian, or other adult standing in loco parentis for a student at the pre-school thru 8th grade level of 207-U schools may be a member and shall have voting rights. The principal and any teacher employed at the 207-U elementary level schools may be a member and have voting rights. The PTO Board, except the President (s), may have voting rights. Each individual member shall have one vote. Voting may take place by voice at PTO meetings or by written ballot, in the event of an election. The President(s) may vote on a pending issue when the vote would change the outcome; that is to make or break a tie. The President(s) may vote in all cases where the voting is by ballot, but may vote only once.
Any parent, guardian, or other adult standing in loco parentis for a student at the pre-school thru 8th grade level of 207-U schools may be a member and shall have voting rights. The principal and any teacher employed at the 207-U elementary level schools may be a member and have voting rights. The PTO Board, except the President (s), may have voting rights. Each individual member shall have one vote. Voting may take place by voice at PTO meetings or by written ballot, in the event of an election. The President(s) may vote on a pending issue when the vote would change the outcome; that is to make or break a tie. The President(s) may vote in all cases where the voting is by ballot, but may vote only once.
Article V – Fiscal Year
fiscal year of this PTO shall be from July 1st through June 30th.
Article VI – Officers
1: Officers. The officers shall consist of two Co-Presidents, two Co-Treasurers, a Secretary, a Volunteer Coordinator and three General Board Members. The position of President
is to be a shared position between two individuals, thus acting equally as
2: Nomination & Elections. Nominations will be held
at the third to last meeting of the school year. The nominating committee
shall select a candidate for each office and present the slate at a meeting
held one meeting prior to the election. At that meeting, nominations may also
be made from the floor. Elections will be held at the second to last PTO meeting of the
year. Voting shall be by voice to
approve and second an officer position. If more than one person is running for
an office, a ballot vote shall be taken. The nominations/elections can be
adjusted depending on whether there are candidates in place by the time voting
or the election must be done.
Section 3: Eligibility. Members are eligible for office if they are members in good standing at least 14 calendar days before the nominating committee presents its slate.
4: Terms of Office. Officers
are elected for a two year term and may serve no more than two years in any one
current office. Only in the event that
there is no one volunteering to replace an officer, they may serve until a new
member is elected. Each person elected
shall hold only one office during a single time period. President(s) and
Treasurer(s) will have alternating terms. No two positions of the same
description should be vacated in the same year; example both presidents cannot
step out in the same year.
5: Vacancies. If there is a vacancy for any officer board position, the
PTO will notify the members. At the next regularly scheduled meeting, a new
officer will be elected. The remaining board members will assist in the vacant
officer duties until the position is filled.
6: Removal From Office. Officers can be removed from office
with or without cause by a two-thirds vote of those present at a regular
meeting where previous notice has been given.
Article VII – Officers Duties
1: President(s). The presidents shall preside over meetings of the
organization and executive board, serve as the primary contact for the
principal, represent the organization at meetings outside the organization, create
meeting agendas, and coordinate the work of all the officers and committees so
that the purpose of the organization is served. Sign checks, notes, etc. in the
absence of the Treasurer. Assure PTO meetings date/location are secured and announced
to the school population at least one week in advance of that meeting via the
PTO secretary.
Section 2: Treasurer(s). The treasurer shall receive all funds of the organization, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and pay out funds in accordance with the approval of the executive board. He or she will present a financial statement at every meeting and at other times of the year when requested by the executive board, and make a full report at the end of the year, and file any documents required at the end of the fiscal year. Treasurer will maintain and keep 501(c)(3) records and files.
Section 2: Treasurer(s). The treasurer shall receive all funds of the organization, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and pay out funds in accordance with the approval of the executive board. He or she will present a financial statement at every meeting and at other times of the year when requested by the executive board, and make a full report at the end of the year, and file any documents required at the end of the fiscal year. Treasurer will maintain and keep 501(c)(3) records and files.
3: Secretary. The secretary shall compile and maintain current information
for all communications to parents through PTO Facebook page, PTO Blog, emails,
and memos. He or she shall record minutes at PTO meetings, transpose to a typed
file and post online within 2 weeks of the recorded meeting for public viewing.
Secretary shall bring a sign-up sheet for meeting. Prepare sign-up sheets for
PTO events for parent orientation nights. Assist in gathering information for
the president’s agenda for the purpose of continuity. Act as parent liaison to relay information to
the appropriate sources (committee chairs, faculty, and board members). The secretary also keeps a copy of the
bylaws, listing of event chairs/volunteers, and any other necessary supplies. In the event that the secretary cannot attend
a PTO meeting, she/he may seek another board member, former secretary or
meeting attendee to take notes. Notes
will then be given to the secretary to transfer into a typed document and
posted online.
Section 4: Volunteer Coordinator. The Volunteer Coordinator shall attend board meetings, and work with event chairs to coordinate volunteers for PTO events.
Section 5: General Board Member(s). The General Board Member shall attend board meetings, chair one PTO event, and help out when able at PTO events.
Section 4: Volunteer Coordinator. The Volunteer Coordinator shall attend board meetings, and work with event chairs to coordinate volunteers for PTO events.
Section 5: General Board Member(s). The General Board Member shall attend board meetings, chair one PTO event, and help out when able at PTO events.
Article VIII – Meetings
Section 1: Regular Meetings. The regular meetings will be scheduled bi-monthly (Sept-Nov-Jan-Mar-May) on the first Monday of those months, with the exception of any special circumstance pertaining to weather or conflict of schedules. Time and location of the meeting will be posted online at least one week prior to the meeting date.
Section 1: Regular Meetings. The regular meetings will be scheduled bi-monthly (Sept-Nov-Jan-Mar-May) on the first Monday of those months, with the exception of any special circumstance pertaining to weather or conflict of schedules. Time and location of the meeting will be posted online at least one week prior to the meeting date.
2: Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the president or, any two
members of the executive board. General members can request a special meeting
by submitting a written request to the secretary. Previous notice of the
special meeting shall be publicized to the members at least 10 days prior to
the meeting, by online communication.
Section 3: Quorum. The quorum shall be 10 members of the organization. However, half the number of the officers plus one constitutes a quorum.
Section 3: Quorum. The quorum shall be 10 members of the organization. However, half the number of the officers plus one constitutes a quorum.
Article IX – Executive Board
Section 1: Membership. The Executive Board shall consist of the PTO officers, principals, and standing committee chairs.
Section 1: Membership. The Executive Board shall consist of the PTO officers, principals, and standing committee chairs.
2: Duties. The duties of the Executive Board shall be to transact
business between meetings in preparation for the general meeting, create
standing rules and policies, create standing and temporary committees, prepare
and submit a budget to the membership, approve routine bills, and prepare
reports and recommendations to the membership.
3: Meetings. Executive
meetings shall be held prior to regular meetings and are to be determined by
the board as needed. Special meetings may be called by any two board members,
with 24 hour notice.
Article X – Committees & Events
1: Membership. Committees may consist of members and board members, with
the presidents acting as ex officio members of all committees. Committee
chairs, co-chairs and committee are on a volunteer basis.
2: Events. All
events are determined over the summer by a meeting of the presidents and
principals. Events are determined by
success, volunteer support and space availability. Events and chairs will be posted online for
members to view.
3: Committee Chairs. The
chairperson of each committee shall keep a written record of the activities of
their committee in a manner that would allow these records to be passed along
to future chairs. These records should
be turned over to the Secretary who will maintain a comprehensive file of all
events planned by the PTO and make them available to future chairs. The PTO
officers have final approval of committee chairs.
4: Committee Members. Chairpersons may
solicit and appoint additional members to serve on their respective committees
as necessary.
5: Contracts, Purchases & Advertising. No committee chair shall secure any contract
in the name of the PTO without the approval to do so by vote of the PTO
members. Any approved purchases must be
made within the budgetary restrictions. Any advertisements made for a PTO event
must be approved by the PTO Board first. PTO information, such as letterhead,
flyers, donation request letters and other written documents should not be modified
without PTO Board approval.
Section 6: Attendance. Committee chairpersons shall attend Executive Board and monthly PTO meetings to report on the activities of their committee. If they are unable to attend scheduled meetings, a written update must be submitted to the secretary.
Article XI – Finances
part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or
be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons,
except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable
compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in
furtherance of the purposes described in section 501(c)(3). No substantial part
of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or
otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not
participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of
statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any
candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles,
the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be
carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under section
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any
future federal tax code, or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are
deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the
corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
2: PTO funds shall be used for programs, events, and items that
directly benefit the students, teachers, or principals of school district 207U
grades Pre-K through 8.
3: All funds raised for the
PTO must be documented and submitted to the PTO Treasurer within 10 days of
receipt. All funds received by the
Treasurer must be deposited into the PTO bank account within 7 days of receipt by
the Treasurer. Separate deposit receipts
should be maintained for funds received from each unique fundraising
4: Reimbursements for all expenses shall be made only after
receipts for the expenditures have been audited, documented, and approved by
the PTO Treasurer. Reimbursement requests should be submitted to the PTO
Treasurer within 30 days of the incurred expense or by three weeks prior to the
end of the fiscal year, whichever comes first, and must be accompanied by a
receipt. Any cash advance to cover expenses prior to a purchase must be
documented in detail. All unused funds
must be returned to the PTO Treasurer immediately following the purchase.
Section 5: No officer shall be compensated by the PTO for their service.
6: Board
may spend no more than $250 on any one item or combination of related items,
not included in the budget, without the consent of the general membership.
Majority officer vote must be obtained for a purchase under $250. There is to be only one officer vote purchase
allowed in between regular scheduled PTO meetings.
7: The fiscal year of
the PTO consists of one fiscal year starting July 1st and ends on June
30th. Treasurer will file the
appropriate forms regarding state or IRS filings.
8: Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall
be distributed to the elementary through junior high level schools based on student population at
the time of dissolution as long as at the member schools are exempt under IRC
section 501(c)(3) at the time of dissolution. If no member school is exempt at
the time of dissolution, assets will distributed to the State of Illinois for
purposes of furthering public education.
Article XII – Parliamentary Authority
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern meetings when they are not in conflict with the organization’s bylaws.
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern meetings when they are not in conflict with the organization’s bylaws.
Article XIII – Code of Conduct
All PTO members shall act
in the best interest of the PTO. Members
should conduct themselves in a courteous, respectful, and professional manner
while demonstrating ethical and moral behavior.
Adherence to all Peotone PTO Bylaws, rules, and policies may never be
violated. It is the responsibility of
every member to know and understand these rules.
Article XIV – Conflict of Interest
1: Fundraising. It is a conflict of
interest for a member to professionally and or monetarily benefit from a PTO
fundraiser. The PTO is an independent
organization and will not support one member’s professional interest over another
in order to make a profit, i.e. Shaklee, Melaleuca, Thirty-One.
2: Board Members. It is a conflict of
interest to hold a current position on the PTO Board along with simultaneously
holding a position on another board within the 207-U school district, including
but not limited to, 207-U School Board of Education and/or 207-U Education
Foundation Board.
Article XV – Dissolution
The organization may be dissolved with previous notice (14 calendar days) and a two-thirds vote of those present at the meeting. Upon a vote to dissolve the PTO, the remaining funds shall first be used to pay any outstanding PTO debt. See Article XI Finances section 8.
The organization may be dissolved with previous notice (14 calendar days) and a two-thirds vote of those present at the meeting. Upon a vote to dissolve the PTO, the remaining funds shall first be used to pay any outstanding PTO debt. See Article XI Finances section 8.
Article XVI – Bylaws Amendments
Section 1: A special committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of bylaws by majority vote at a regular PTO meeting.
Section 1: A special committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of bylaws by majority vote at a regular PTO meeting.
Section 2: The bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting. Notice must be given in writing to the PTO Secretary. Amendment requests may be made by the PTO Board or by at least 5 PTO members. Amendments must be discussed and voted on with those in attendance. Amendments will be approved by two-thirds vote of those present, assuming a quorum. Upon approval, updated bylaws will be posted on PTO pages for public viewing by the Secretary and will become effective immediately unless otherwise specified.
3: The bylaws should be reviewed every 2 years by the PTO executive
board prior to the last meeting of the school year. Amendments must be approved
at the last PTO meeting by those in attendance.
(Original MAY
10, 2016, Revised January 7, 2020)